

Last Updated: Dec 06, 2024, 01:37 PM

Complete Bike Regulations

The content here was extracted from the complete Parking Division Rules and Regulations.


This division of these regulations is intended to establish reciprocal registration and licensing provisions for the university and the city of Carbondale.

Section 9-101--Bicycle License or Decal Required
No person shall operate, park or store a bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power upon the campus of SIU without first registering the bicycle with the Department of Public Safety and having a decal placed thereon as hereinafter provided. A valid license issued by the city of Carbondale and displayed as thereby required shall satisfy this requirement.

Section 9-102--Issuance and Reciprocal Effect
The Department of Public Safety shall issue, upon written application, a bicycle decal to any student, faculty or staff member of the university. That decal shall remain effective for a four-year period or portion thereof. Any such decal shall entitle the licensee there under to operate the bicycle for which the same is issued upon the campus of SIU subject to these regulations. By agreement with the city of Carbondale, such decal shall also permit operation of the bicycle in the city subject to municipal ordinances. Bicycle license tags issued by the Department of Public Safety prior to Aug. 1, 1981, shall, when properly displayed on the rear of the bicycle, remain effective for the bicycle for which it was issued.

Section 9-103--Decal and Registration Card
The Department of Public Safety shall provide decals having registration numbers suitable for attachment upon each bicycle. The decal shall remain the property of SIU. Upon registration of a bicycle as provided herein, the decal must be displayed on the front of the frame tube in the middle area between the saddle post and the pedal sprocket and said decals shall remain so attached until its expiration date. At the time of the issuance of the decal, the Department of Public Safety shall also issue to the person obtaining the decal a registration card. That card shall bear the decal and registration number of the bicycle. The Department of Public Safety shall keep a record of the date of the issuance of each decal and the name and address of the person to whom the same is issued and the number thereof, together with a description of the bicycle registered. A copy of the registration cards will be made available to the Carbondale chief of police.

Section 9-104--Sales or Transfers to be Reported
Every person who sells, abandons or gives ownership of any registered bicycle shall remove the decal and return the registration card to the Department of Public Safety within five business days. The purchaser of the bicycle must apply for registration and a decal or obtain a valid registration and decal with the city of Carbondale to operate the bicycle on campus.

Section 9-105--Investigation of Decal Application
Before issuing any bicycle decal or registering the ownership of a bicycle, the Department of Public Safety shall use reasonable diligence in ascertaining whether the facts set forth in the application for the decal and registration are true and shall not issue a decal and register ownership unless satisfied that the applicant is the lawful owner of such bicycle or otherwise entitled to the same registered. The Department of Public Safety shall not register any bicycle on which no serial number can be found, or on which said number is illegible or insufficient for identification purposes.

Section 9-106--Attachment of Decal
Registration of a bicycle is not complete until the decal issued is permanently attached to the bicycle as prescribed herein. License tags issued by the Department of Public Safety prior to Aug. 1, 1981, and by the city of Carbondale must have the numbered strip attached to the tag in the proper manner to be valid registration.

Section 9-107--Abandoned Bicycles
Department of Public Safety personnel will inventory and impound bicycles in the student housing areas during May of each year, and in the academic areas during August. Impounded bicycles will be held at the Department of Public Safety for a minimum of six months and then sold at the joint Carbondale/SIU auctions held in May and December of each year.


Section 10-101--Where Parking is Permitted
Bicycles shall be parked only on the inside of a chain-enclosed bicycle area or inside a bicycle parking rack.

Section 10-102--Prohibited Parking
No person shall park a bicycle:

  1. On a sidewalk, at a tree or post, on a lawn, next to a building, in a roadway or locked to a chain bordering a lawn except inside a chained bicycle enclosure. 2. Blocking or obstructing any entrance, exit, ramp or breezeway.
  2. In any campus building except in a designated storage area.
  3. In a parking area designated for motor vehicles.
  4. In other than an upright position.
  5. Taking more than one parking space at a bicycle parking rack.


Section 11-101--Required Obedience to Traffic Laws and Safety
A. Every person operating a bicycle on university property shall do so in obedience to all traffic control devices, the “Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road” and the regulations included herein.
B. Persons riding bicycles on campus shall practice courteous, defensive riding, giving due consideration both for pedestrians and for conditions that require traveling at safe speeds and having their bicycles under control at all times.
C. Operation of bicycles is permitted on all campus pedestrian pathways except where prohibited by sign or marking. In accordance with the “Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road,” every bicycle, when ridden during the period from sunset to sunrise, shall be equipped with, and have operating, a front white lamp and a rear red reflector or lamp. In addition, every bicycle purchased new after July 1, 1973, must be equipped with additional safety devices, including:
 a. On each pedal, a reflector that can be seen from the front and the rear of the bicycle for a distance of 200 feet after dark.
 b. Side reflectors, front and rear, visible at night in reflected light for a distance of 500 feet. The reflector to the rear of the center of the bicycle must be red; the reflector to the front of center must be amber or yellow.

Section 11-102--Yielding to Pedestrians/Bicycles
The operator of a bicycle shall yield to pedestrians in all situations of conflicting bicycle/ pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians are prohibited from walking in a designated bicycle-only lane.

Section 11-103--Equipment Standards
No person shall operate on campus a bicycle that is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person or property or that is not equipped as required by the Illinois Vehicle Code.

Section 11-104--Other Bicycle Violations

Citations may be issued for the following violations:

  1. Failure to yield to pedestrians.
  2. Disobeyed a traffic-control device.
  3. Bicycle was not under control.
  4. Bicycle ridden in a marked pedestrian walkway or foot path, or in an area prohibited by a sign or marking.
  5. No operating light from sunset to sunrise.
  6. Insufficient reflectors.
  7. No valid registration.
  8. Pedestrian walking in a bicycle-only lane.


Section 12-101--Enforcement of Bicycle Rules
a. All Department of Public Safety officers, parking agents and students employed as uniformed Saluki Patrol persons shall have the authority to enforce the bicycle rules and regulations as written herein.
b. Impoundment. Any bicycle that does not meet the registration and licensing or parking provisions of these regulations may be subject to impoundment by the Department of Public Safety. The Department of Public Safety will release an impounded bicycle upon (1) proper registration of the bicycle; and (2) payment of a $4 charge.
c. Parking charge. Any person in violation of Section 10-102 will be subject to a charge of $4.
d. Violation charge. Any person in violation of Section 11-104 will be subject to a charge of $4.
e. The charges as listed above will be assessed if an appeal is not filed within five business days from the date the ticket is issued.

Section 12-102--Hearings Specific to Bicycles
Any person subject to any of the enforcement sanctions provided herein shall have the right to an appeal to the Traffic and Parking Appeals Board as provided for in Division VII of the Motor Vehicle Regulations for SIU.